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SEOZoom internship at WMF23, the program of the training day


A training course dedicated to various angles of SEO with the experts of our team tackling some of the main pieces of the complex puzzle of the work of search engine optimization to provide reflections and practical points to apply to your strategies. Exactly in a month, next June 16th, the curtain will rise on the Stage SEOZoom al WMF2023 with a special day of study and insight into SEO, designed to offer participants advice and tips to improve the performance of your sites (also) thanks to the support of our suite.

SEOZoom internship at WMF2023: the program and interventions

Five speeches linked by one common filewhich is our classic approach mixture of theory and practice which, more precisely, offers data, practical references and tested results to always offer the right dose of theoretical advice and operational indications suitable for any type of site and context.

The program of SEOZoom internship at WMF 2023 in Riminischeduled in the day of June 16thintends to guide the participants in the discovery of some of the cornerstones of modern SEO business which can be used to improve the organic visibility of a site, turning the spotlight on five different areas of operation. Specifically, the themes at the center of the speeches are the onpage optimization of the sitereading a technical SEO Audit, basic operational management, the content work and finally, the implementation of a really effective link building.

The themes at the center of the SEOZoom event in Rimini 2023

The SEOZoom room at WMF23 will be inaugurated by our CEO, Ivano DiBiasiwhich will give an overview of the “Common website problems limiting organic traffic and economic growth”, adopting a process-based operational criterion Problem/Solution/Impact. In other words, Ivano will highlight some common critical areas of the On-page SEO where a site may experience difficulties – such as wrong titles, wrong intent or cannibalization of pagesespecially dangerous between the e-Commerce site and its blog – and which risk limiting its potential, blocking its organic traffic and therefore economic growth, but above all it will show cases relating to different types of business and sector, leading to the construction of a workflows of type Problem/Solution/Impact to define the correct response strategies.

We will then move on to Technical SEO with our CTO, Giuseppe Liguori, who accompanies us to understand how a SEO audits, identifying all the critical areas of the site, from the technical to the strategic ones. The starting point of operations, in fact, should be determine priorities of the problems – traffic dropsgrowth difficulties or more – even with respect to their real impact on the project, for later to investigate in depth some purely technical aspects and those that are real strategy errors.

Our Elisa Contessottohowever, will be the coach who proposes 5 simple daily exercises to keep each site always in shape: in fact, every online project requires constant training to always have an optimal shape and present itself at its best to users and search engines, and as personal trainers of our sites we must make sure that our project is strong – to be competitive, agilecapable of adapting to external changes – e flexible, to always create new connections. In her intervention, Elisa will translate this metaphor into daily exercises to improve each site, including strategic management of the editorial plan, internal linking or valorisation of old content.

Artificial Intelligence applied to various working environments is undoubtedly the hottest topic of recent months, and SEO was no exception, especially for the possible declinations of strategic writing: Gennaro Mancini will try to show the “third way” that opens up before copywriting professionals, who can be “neither apocalyptic nor integrated”. That is, artificial intelligence shouldn’t scare ai SEO copywriters, but a responsible and balanced approach is needed to guide and exploit it in the writing work, because we cannot ignore these technologies or declassify them as a marginal phenomenon. In his lesson we will therefore see what a can be mindful strategy writing process with the editor ofSEOZoom Editorial Assistantwhich integrates artificial intelligence text generation functions and allows you to create content suitable for today’s web in a more effective and rapid way, supporting us throughout the process of editorial creation and development.

A close work will be back Ivano DiBiasiwhich addresses the issue of link building “without prejudices”, starting from the most modern theory and definitions of this activity to then explain its current meaning for Google and therefore for SEO. The starting point for your reflection is that it is often the context in which our site operates that makes the difference and determines the weight of backlinks, and therefore to make the campaign is effective we must learn to evaluate websites for link acquisition, monitor the links we receive and also understand beforehand what results we can achieve with well-constructed strategies, as the analysis of various case studies shows.

WMF 2023: practical information

Now in its 11th edition, the WMF – We Make Future is the main international fair and festival on technological and digital innovation in Italy and is held this year from 15 to 17 June 2023 at the Rimini Fair. As mentioned, the SEOZoom branded event is scheduled for Friday 16 June, simultaneously with the other side events and with the mainstage activities, and tickets can be purchased directly from the site official of the event.

Our team will also be present with the usual stand in the area dedicated to exhibitors (therefore we await you for a greeting and a chat!), and for blog readers there is also an interesting surprise: by entering the coupon «sponsor149», in fact, until May 30th it is possible to buy a Full Tickets for the WMF with a special discount, i.e. €149 + VAT, and thus have full access to the event, which offers not only the “world’s most complete” training program on technological, digital and social innovation, but also a real festival without limits , with many networking moments in the expo area up to the concerts,

According to official information, they are also involved for the 2023 edition dozens of speakers and guests from all over the world, who will bring visions, studies and new ideas for the future to the various stages of the event, which is preparing to welcome over 60,000 attendees and a parterre of more than a thousand speakers from 85 countries. Among the already confirmed personalities, great excitement and expectation for the eminence of information technology Sir Tim Berners-Leethe inventor of the world Wide Webwho on June 16 will speak to the WMF audience bringing his experience and his idea of ​​web development, offering an analysis of current trends and future prospects of his creature.

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